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Our Offices:





Of course, we're never there.


Fuck off.


Probably playing golf. Or fucking Yamaya's ex-wife at the country retreat.


I will represent your guilty black arse in a court of law.


You will pay me a fuckload of $$$.


In return you will walk free.


Then I will go back to my filthy rich country squire bitch-fucking lifestyle.


Yeah, I had a bit of plastic surgery done.


I used to look like a chinaman.


The breasts, head, neck and teeth were paid for by some of my rich-as-fuck clients.


The hair, forehead, face, nose, neck and tits I did by myself.

Some cunt we don't know.

Never seen him. Not once. No idea who he is or what he does with the corpses or how he goes about doing it. Nope. No idea. Yamaya's ex-wife's corpse? Nope, no idea.

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